The outbreak of the new coronavirus COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, has become a global pandemic. Pandemics are not just tragedies of illness and death. But all these are leading to such massive threats, new behaviors, and beliefs. People have stopped interacting with others and have become more suspicious.
Every situation that we go through is different, but the experience of using robots for the COVID-19 pandemic provides an opportunity to finally learn lessons that have been documented over the last 20 years. One important lesson is that robots do not replace humans during a disaster. They either perform tasks that a person cannot and cannot safely perform or undertake tasks that free up responders to cope with the increased workload.
Before COVID-19, most people were somewhat afraid of robots and artificial intelligence. These concerns seem to have been ruled out since the beginning of the pandemic, as artificial intelligence-infused technologies have been used to alleviate the virus's spread. An increase in the use of robotics has been seen recently for the work of people who are forced to stay at home for their safety or who have been relocated to the workplace. With all these in mind, many industries have implemented this technology and have seen an immense improvement in every minute area. A few of them are enlisted below:
Self-service is the thing that every customer is looking for nowadays. So to make things easy for you, the robot pharmacy has been introduced. The digitization of the medical system opens up this opportunity to use the data to improve both the doctor's diagnosis and future prescriptions. Robots act as an interface between the doctor and the patient, where they can perform diagnostic and treatment processes, reducing the risk of infection transfer or human contact. If in case, we are replacing robots with humans, there is a chance of having the same treatments, after all, robots cannot infect patients, and if it is well cleaned, it cannot infect anyone.
The recycling industry was already in trouble before the pandemic. An increasing number of cities are now suspending recycling services, in part due to fears that workers could infect the coronavirus with each other by sorting used water bottles, food containers, and sauces. Since the coronavirus came to power in the United States last month, AMP Robotics has seen a "significant" increase in its orders for robots that use artificial intelligence to screen recycled material and weed it out.
Robotics is doing way better than humans. A task that human takes 5 hours to complete any task, their robots can do that in a few minutes. Then why would we not adopt robots? Of course, it is time to change the scenario and adopt robots to maintain things and to grow faster. In this pandemic, retail companies are more dependent on automation than humans to keep them safer and healthy. The robots free up workers who previously spent time taking inventory to focus on disinfecting and disinfecting surfaces and processing supplies to store shelves. Isn’t it amazing to have all these robots at the stores? Yes, this way we can stay away from this disease and also increase the revenue as well.
Many online food organizations have adopted AI for delivering food to their customers. Here AI has developed drones that have inbuilt map features and are very safe in this pandemic. They also use robots to bring goods, such as food or medical supplies, to any person on the floor in the apartment. Restaurants abroad use artificial intelligence-controlled robots to increase the speed and speed of food preparation and delivery. The same can be applied in our country. The system receives a delivery request from the customer through the application and delivers it later to the desired location in a three-dimensional environment. This way we are not only protecting ourselves but also helping others stay healthy and fit.
Once the COVID-19 vaccine has been developed (hopefully) and the pandemic has subsided, it isn't easy to imagine how life will recover in early 2020. Our experience in the coming months will make automation quite an easy part of our daily lives. Companies that introduced robots during the crisis may think that a significant percentage of their workers are no longer needed.
Consumers who have spent more time interacting with robots than ever before may become accustomed to this type of communication. If you're used to a robot delivering food, you may not even notice the loss of work that was once in human hands. In fact, some people may want to maintain social exclusion even when it is no longer strictly needed. So far, as a society, we have not questioned what functions these robots replace - because technology plays an important role during this pandemic. As these machines help maintain our health and well-being, our confidence in them will also increase.