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Voice Broadcast API TTS


Voice Broadcast API TTS through Sarv


Post Parameters 

Example Success Response

	"desc":"Call Submitted Successfully",


Example Error Response

	"desc":"Parameter is blank."

username* string a valid Sarv SMS Panel username
token* string a valid token
content* text Enter announcement text
plan_id* string Voice plan_id for sending voice call
caller_id* integer Approved caller id
contact_numbers* integer a valid contact number (, seperated for multiple contacts) Max : 50 Contact Numbers
* compulsory field
Return Value: Success
struct the results of Voice Broadcast
status string success
code string 000
desc string Description of success
data array array of contact numbers and respective unique ids.
Return Value: Error
struct the error results when Voice Broadcast
status string error
code string 007
desc string description of error
Api Response Codes
000 Call Submitted Successfully.
001 Parameter Missing .
002 Parameter is blank.
003 Request IP not added in whitelist .
004 Invalid user type.
005 Invalid Credentials.
006 User is InActive.
008 Exceeded contact no limit for single api call .
010 Invalid caller id .
011 Some issue in credit fetch .
014 There is no plan assign to parent .
015 Voice Amount Validity Expired .
016 Low voice amount to your parent .
017 No gateway available for voice broadcast .
019 Invalid User Voice Plan .
020 Caller id is not host on any gateway .