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Voice Broadcast API TTS


Voice Broadcast API TTS through Sarv


    import requests
    result ="http://<domain_name>/api/voice/voice_broadcast.php", data={'username':'username','token':'abcXYZ','content':'content','plan_id':'plan_id','contact_numbers':'contact_numbers[,'contact_numbers']','['caller_id':'caller_id']'})    
    print result
	"desc":"Call Submitted Successfully",
except e:
    print 'A error occurred: %s - %s' % (e.__class__, e)

Example Success Response

	"desc":"Call Submitted Successfully",

Example Error Response

	"desc":"Parameter is blank."

username* string a valid Sarv SMS Panel username
token* string a valid token
content* text Enter announcement text
plan_id* string Voice plan_id for sending voice call
caller_id* integer Approved caller id
contact_numbers* integer a valid contact number (, seperated for multiple contacts) Max : 50 Contact Numbers
* compulsory field
Return Value: Success
struct the results of Voice Broadcast TTS
status string success
code string 000
desc string Description of success
data array array of contact numbers and respective unique ids.
Return Value: Error
struct the error results when Voice Broadcast TTS
status string error
code string 007
desc string description of error
Api Response Codes
000 Call Submitted Successfully.
001 Parameter Missing .
002 Parameter is blank.
003 Request IP not added in whitelist .
004 Invalid user type.
005 Invalid Credentials.
006 User is InActive.
008 Exceeded contact no limit for single api call .
010 Invalid caller id .
011 Some issue in credit fetch .
014 There is no plan assign to parent .
015 Voice Amount Validity Expired .
016 Low voice amount to your parent .
017 No gateway available for voice broadcast .
019 Invalid User Voice Plan .
020 Caller id is not host on any gateway .