Whether you’re a big banner or a small enterprise, you want to make the best out of your social media marketing to sustain a chance for yourself in the market.
So, no matter what kind of business you are, the first thing that you want from social media is a large number of followers. And especially when we talk of twitter, everyone wants to be seen and recognized with as many retweets.
More number of followers on twitter is a certainly a sign of encouragement for a business and can be considered as a great achievement on the journey to be renowned in the market.
The follower count of your twitter has many meanings and is also one of the crucial metrics that helps in measuring the success of your brand. It also helps you determine the distribution of content that you must focus on in your marketing strategy.
So, if you are new to twitter and worry how to build a rapport on the social networking website through followers, you are at the right place. We'll tell you how to earn Your First 1000 followers on Twitter in the easiest manner.
Provide Your Basic Details Carefully |
When you’re new to social media, many people might not be even aware of your existence. At this primary stage, your motto is to reach out to a wide number of audiences as well as let them know about your social presence.
Start with the basics by completing your bio on Twitter. Focus on getting these three things right.
Which in most of the cases should be your own picture rather than your brand logo. At this point, many people might disagree with me since they want to be known as a brand rather than a person.
But think about it. There are thousands of brands already existing on Twitter, so why would the audience want to connect with you?
Unless you’re a person who sounds convincing to them, there are less chances that people might start following you. But gradually as you start getting followers, there is no harm in letting your brand shine through your logo.
Again when we talk about your twitter name, it should be your name rather than the name of your brand that you are representing. It sounds more realistic and approachable to someone.
Consider, for example, you go to a public gathering and introduce yourself as a company. Chances are that people might not be able to put their trust in you as it would have been in case of a person.
So, get the trust of your audience as a person and then proceed on establishing rapport as a brand.
Your bio should be the strongest part of your profile. Remember that when you’re new to Twitter, your audience will take your bio into consideration to the greatest extent.
So, make it short and sweet and let every word count. Since Twitter has a lot of trending hashtags (one of the reasons that it’s widely used), you can use one or two keywords or hashtags relevant to your purpose on Twitter.
You can also add your URL and location for a better understanding of your purpose.
Gather Some Initial Followers |
There is always a place that you will eventually begin with. So, ask your friends and family to follow you. Do not shy away to make an announcement about the launch of your Twitter account on other social media platforms.
This will help your already established base of followers such as Readers and subscribers from your blog, other social media outlets, etc to follow you back and get in touch easily on twitter. This is one of the best practices for a head start.
Another way is to follow people on Twitter. Most of the people on twitter will follow you back if you follow them. This can be a strategic move in your initial days that has actually proven to get followers for many people and businesses.
Also, do not forget to share your Twitter icon in your email campaign or your landing page. It is indeed a great way to let your audience know that they can connect with you on Twitter as well.
Consider it as one of the mandatory moves of your early follower gathering strategy for Twitter.
Take advantage of these four share options i.e share a link, follow, hashtag and mention of Twitter and use them as much in your website or other campaigns that you send out to your customers.
This way you are opening your twitter account to new as well as already established connections.
Publish and Maintain |
Once you are right with your basics, take advantage by publishing great content on your twitter account. Use hashtags in your twitter updates so that you appear in search of people outside your followers on Twitter.
Since everybody on twitter is equally obsessed with hashtags, you’ll surely get more followers by picking up this strategy.
Another important task is to maintain your account. You eventually need to realize the people are not going to follow you back on twitter and distant yourself from them.
Take note of the fact that the number of the people you follow on Twitter must not go up than the people who are following you back.
If the number of people that you follow increases the number of your followers, it not only gives a negative impression to your followers but also to the people who visit your profile with the intent to follow you back. The best would be to say, follow 100 people on a day and observe who doesn’t follow you back.
Having a Twitter account doesn’t guarantee you followers, when you’ve just step foot on the social networking site. You need to work hard and constantly monitor your data to know how the trend of your followers is changing.
One of the earliest ways that have also proven to be of value is joining a twitter chat or discussion and posting quality and relevant information in it. Interested people might find you and follow you back through these popular forums as well.
So, begin with a great bio and find some relevant accounts to follow because the journey to a 1000 followers isn’t that far.