
Boost Your CTR Using Email Images

Email is one effective way when it comes to campaign marketing. If we calculate the average ROI of an email campaign, it is nearly 122%. So if you want to move these numbers a little higher, email images are the key. Email images will boost your CTR that will help you convert more traffic than before.


What is CTR?


It is the percentage of people who click on the content of your email. This content comprises images, videos, and links. On average, CTR is usually around 2.5% for all industries. The number we are aiming for may be low, but here we are talking about actual interaction. Open-rate of an email may be high, but people interacting with them are very low. With email images, we are bringing changes in that number which values a lot.


But Should You Use Email Images?


A brand is always concerned about its image in the market, and its action should reflect the image it wants to create. So the big question here is; does email images are the right choice for your brand? Do the images you are using justify your brand? Are they optimized enough?


These are the questions that you should ask yourself before starting to use email images. So let’s dive into the topic.


The Ratio:


As Marvel’s one of the greatest villains said, “Perfectly balanced. As everything should be.” then why not the text and image ratio in an email. So to write a perfectly balanced email, keep the ratio around 30 to 40 percent.


If you go higher, it will trigger the spam filter. If you go less, it will make the email difficult to read.


You can also test your email by using the A/B testing. This way, you will be able to figure out what will work for you and what will not.


Remember, if you do not follow the ratio and testing results here properly, you might end up blacklisting your whole domain. And the aftermath of this is, you can no longer use that domain to send emails to your customers, not even a single one.


Do Not Use Images For Click Bait:


We all know clickbait is. No? Ok, let me tell you. Let’s suppose you searched for a video on YouTube. You see a thumbnail that matches your search query. Now, as you play it, it is turned to be totally something else. This practice is what clickbait is.


If you don’t like this thing happening to yourself, then why will email receivers? When they click an image, then it should lead to the relevant content shown in the email, not something else.


Sometimes this happens by mistake or without even realizing this.


Your brand image and email images should match or align properly, otherwise, it will create a negative image of yours. A true email and a true brand are what people prefer.


Personal Touch is Important:


Have you ever read emails from Zomato or Swiggy? Well, if you haven’t, you should. They personalize emails by using your behavior of using their services.


They make recommendations using your previous orders. This connects a customer to your brand with more loyalty. Not many brands do this, and if you are alone doing this in your league, you will get ahead of the competition.


You can not just send the same email to everyone. Some like chocolate and some don't. So if you are offering everyone chocolate, you might lose some customers who don't like it. And I know as a brand that is trying to build its image does not want this.


So how can you personalize emails?


ALT Tag is Your Images Identity:


This might have happened to all of us. You open an email on mobile or laptop, and images just show broken. But instead of images, you see some text there. Then you select the ‘Show Image’ option, and images appear.


Why did this happen? Because images are blocked by default by most of the email clients. When you use alt tags in email images, that alt text is shown in the place of images when email client or due to the network it does not load.


A good email automation tool provides you an option to add alt images in your images. If not, then go into the backend and look for a line like this:


<img src=”youremailimage.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”How to Use Email Images in Email Marketing” width=”482px” height=”205″ />


Here, after alt= you put your alt texts for that particular image. You need to check this for every image attached.


The Format:

There are three popular image formats that you can use in email, PNG, JPG/ JPEG, and GIF.

  • One with the largest color palette.
  • Compression doesn’t affect the image resolution.
  • Supports the transparent layer.


  • Large image compression.
  • Compromises image quality in the process.
  • Does not support the transparent layer.


  • Only an 8-bit color palette compared to a 24-bit palette of PNG and JPEG.
  • Supports animations and effects.
  • Animations and effects increase its size by a lot.
  • Can contain more than one product in one image.

So, now you know what type of images to use and where to use them. In the next session, we will discuss how to generate content for these email images and why image-only emails are bad for your brands. Till then, keep reading and keep increasing your knowledge and brand.

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