
Get More With Less Using 5 Super Short Emails

We all are working remotely from (I have almost lost the count now) March. And email is one of those things that we are using to commute, to share ideas, to exchange information. Today, let’s learn more about these emails that can help you make your communication quick, more efficient, and short.

Buy Some Time


Scenario: Your boss suddenly asked to have a meeting with you.

Stupid Move: When you receive an email like that, you immediately hope to call the boss or whoever has sent the email. This move will leave you blinded to so many questions for which you are not prepared.

The Right Move: Write a short email in which you will ask your boss or sender to give you a brief about the meeting. What will be the topic of the meeting and what will be the goals of the meeting?


Re-establishing Relations


Scenario: You need something from a person you were ignoring for a long time.

Dumb Move: Showing up after this long with a mail like this:

“Hey, so long. I was wondering how you are doing? Hope everything is good there. So, I was wondering if you could do something for me.”

Do not wait for a positive reply. You will just receive a simple no, or your email is in the trash already.

Why? Because you have no rights (or lost your rights) by now. You have no connection with that person.

Smart Move: You need to start the conversation one or two days before you need the favor from that person.

Research on your colleague, show a little curiosity about that person, exchange some greetings and a few lite jokes to re-establish what you lost a long time ago.


Pressure After Vacation


Scenario: You were on leave for a few days. Now on your first day back, you want to go through and respond to all those messages. So many tasks are stockpiling by now, and you are trying to get it all done.

Dumb Move: Replying to all those emails and telling them this:

“Hey, I was/ am away for a few days, and I will get back to you as soon as I get back.”

Smart Move: While on vacation, do not accept any work. Try to turn your emails off because a vacation is a vacation. Do not stress yourself over things like this. Just tell the sender that you are on vacation and will not be receiving any work during that period.


Ghost Buster


Scenario:  You’ve been ghosted by one of your colleagues. What will you do now? That person can be busy or might be ignoring you for real.

Dumb Move: Accuse that person for not replying to your emails? This will alert the person, and he/ she will go defensive here. If that colleague was avoiding you, then this accusation will make them less likely to reply to you.

Smart Move: Accuse them, but with little grace and a little bit of sarcasm. Reply to them like this:

Are you OK? It’s been a while since I last heard from you. I am worried if you have fallen ill, or you ran into something terrible. Please tell me if everything is fine on your side so that I can stop worrying about you.”


Idiot Emails


Scenario: You just received an email, and that does not make any sense. An email that serves no purpose.

Dumb Move: Ghost that email.

Smart Move: Well, ignoring that email is actually the best move. Yes, I am saying that dumb move is actually a smart one. But this will make your image a little rude. You can reply to that email like this:

“Subject: Possible Identity Theft

I am forwarding this email that I received from your email earlier today. I think someone is sending unnecessary and not so sensible emails from your account.”

By following all these tricks you can actually make your emailing better and save time for yourself. This way you can get more in less.

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