Helping Bangalore Birth Network To Bring The Change

Bangalore Birth Network is the organization that is bringing the changes in the babies delivery process in India. They are fighting for women who are exposed to risks and exploitation due to commercialization of childbirth in India. They believe that childbirth needs to be supported instead of managed by high medication at every step.

The Challenges

As of today, everyone has a cell phone and it is the fastest way to connect and share information. BBN wanted a solution where “To Be Mothers” of Banglore can connect to them and they can help them by supports and other mediums, like answering their queries.

Solution Served provided a Virtual number to BBN on which Women can give a missed call. After the missed call they get an SMS which includes a link to a web form.

Content of this webform changes according to situations, for example including questions about flews, COVID 19 etc. BBN calls them back after getting submissions and missed calls.

The Path to Walk On

In order to help them with this problem, Missed call service was the best solution. In a missed call service a user has to just dial the number and it will hang automatically.

The system will record user’s number. Now the organization will call them back as their agents get free. So a user did not pay a single paisa for the call.

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